Emotional Intuition for Peak Performance

Secrets from the Sages for Being in the Zone
Book Review by Terri Clement

Written by Jason Gregory

Published by Inner Traditions 
Released 2020

Review copy 211-page ebook


Emotional Intuition for Peak Performance is a very well written full strategy for peak performance. Mr. Gregory has been studying Eastern thought and psychology for many years. He has spent the last 12 years living and studying in Thailand. In the book he explains how world-class artists and athletes reach peak performance. 

In part 1 Mr. Gregory explains the theory of cognitive science which deals with the function of the mind and also the mind in relation to the body. These are Eastern thoughts, especially that of ancient Chinese philosophers. This includes mental fitness and desire.

Part 2 looks at the fundamentals, training, discipline, and strategies needed by integrating the contemplative practices of the East. He teaches numerous forms of meditation, how to prioritize sleep, and look at diet and exercise. By putting these things into practice will set oneself up for success.

Part 3 focuses on what being in a peak state of performance feels like and how it allows us to trust our skills and actions.

This book is not for those who give up easily. It is written for those who want to dig in, do the work, and ultimately find success.

Click here to watch a video trailer for this fantastic read.

The review provided by Inner Traditions. 

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